XIV ESH congress

hosted by British Society of Clinical & Academic Hypnosis (BSCAH)

23th - 26th August 2017

British Society of Clinical and Academic Hypnosis
Hypnosis: unlocking hidden potential. The value of hypnosis in communication, health and healing in the 21st century.
Claude Virot

Claude Virot

MD, Liberal psychiatrist since 1988 Training in hypnosis, Paris, 1986. Institut Milton H Erickson of Paris. MD. Thesis : Hypnosis, Strategy and Psychotherapy (88)

President of the International Society of Hypnosis & Director of International Congress of ISH. Paris 2015 

Award ISH 2009 : Jay Haley Early Career for Innovative Contributions & in 2009 : Distinguished Lifetime Achievement Award : Milton Erickson Institute of the California Central Coast. Ernest Rossi

Founder of Institute Milton H Erickson de Rennes Bretagne

Director of EMERGENCES : Institute of Research and Training in Hypnosis and Therapeutic Communication. Lecturer in International congresses

Auto-hypnosis : the best tool to unlock hidden potential

We know how much hypnosis can help people to keep comfort during a surgery or a painful care. But hypnosis is limited on two dimensions. First, hypnosis is usually used during the care but not before or after. And second, a lot of dentists or surgeons are not qualified in hypnosis, or don’t use hypnosis with all their patients.

For all these reasons, it is very interesting to teach auto-hypnosis to patients before a complex care. 

You will see videos of one of my patients which had to be treated for a benign, but large, vesical tumor. I interviewed her a year after the surgery and 3 years after the surgery. She describes with her own words the 5 techniques I taught to her. If this part is very interesting, the most interesting is to hear her describing her motivation to succeed and her personal training before the surgery. 

Furthermore, she describes another dimension : how she is been using auto-hypnosis in her own life since these 3 years. Sometimes for pain, but often to get calm and comfortable at work. She says how she discovered and amplified her own potential.

Her conclusions are very astonishing : she invites us to give our patients the opportunity to use auto-hypnosis and to transmit this skill for everybody.

News Headlines
Monday, August 21st 2017

Watch your words

At the EUROPEAN CONGRESS OF HYPNOSIS in Manchester in August,  Mike Gow, a dentist from Scotland would maintain and many would agree, that techniques of rapport, language, and communication taught during hypnosis training are among the most impo Full Story...

Friday, August 18th 2017

Hypnotic intervention in dentistry is fast, safe and effective

Says Dr Veit Messmer from Germany, where over 1600 dental members use hypnosis daily in their work with patients. Dr Messmer, speaking at the EUROPEAN CONGRESS OF HYPNOSIS 2017 Congress in Manchester in August, states that while there is always need Full Story...

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